Research Publications (selected)
Ranti, C. & Lee, H. K.* (2024). Exploring student and teacher perspectives on education with technological advancement in Indonesia through Design Thinking in response to COVID-19. CERN IdeaSquare Journal of Experimental Innovation. 8:1, 36-42.
Lee, B. & Lee, H. K.* (2024). Everyday Objects in VR Shape Exploration Tools for Novice Artists - A way to Support Geometry Shaping Process for Non-professionals. Design Forum. 29:1. 77-87.
Park, S., Kwon, D., Dong, E., Choi, H., & Lee, H. K.* (2024). Redesigning UI/UX of Digital Kiosks for the Elderly based on the Design Thinking Process - Focusing on Digital Kiosks in Movie Theaters. Design Forum. 29:2. 21-30.
Ranti, C. & Lee, H. K.* (2023). Design Thinking Approach for Sustainable Hospitality: A Smart Mobile Management System for Indonesia. Archives of Design Research. 36:4. 163-191.
Hong, S., Cho, Y., Kang, Y. & Lee. H. K.* (2023). Interactive Experiential Model: Insights from Shadowing Students’ Exhibitory Footprints. Journal of Museum Education. 48:2. 92-108.
Park, S., Lee, Y., & Lee, H. K.* (2022). A Proposal of Virtual Museum Metaverse Content for the MZ generation. DIGITAL CREATIVITY. 33:2, 79-95. doi: 10.1080/14626268.2022.2063903.
Kim, H. J. & Lee, H. K.* (2022). Emotions and Colors in a Design Archiving System: Applying AI Technology for Museums. APPLIED SCIENCES. 12:5, 2467.
CDM (Culture & Design Management) Lab
문화공간에 기술을 접목한 서비스/제품/사용자경험디자인 연구실
Service/Product/User Experience Design Lab where Science & Technology research is grafted in Cultural Space.
Research for VISUAL FORM & FUNCTION and CREATIVITY, VR, AR, XR Exhibition & Museum Studies.
디자인씽킹, 전시디자인, 창조산업의 예술과 기술의 결합을 통해 융합학문의 효과를 향상시키는 연구
Research Keywords:
Design Thinking, AI, Exhibition Management, Design Museum, GUI
디자인씽킹, 인공지능활용, 전시기획, 디자인뮤지엄, GUI 디자인
Research Interests/Topics:
Integrated Art & Design Education , Role & Function of the National Design Museums, Social Sustainability
예술+디자인+과학+기술의 융합, 디자인뮤지엄의 기능과 역할, 더 나은 사회를 위한 디자인

HyunKyung Lee
Design Researcher
Culture and Design Management (CDM) major
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Underwood International College
Yonsei University
Office : Veritas B 417
Tel: +82-10-7277-4189
Curriculum Vitae
2019~present: Professor, Yonsei University.
2014~2019: Associate Professor, UNIST -
2011~2014: Adjunct Professor, Culture and Design Management, Yonsei University.
2009~2011: Adjunct Professor, Art Center College of Design. USA
2007~2008: Post-Doc, Getty Museum, LA, USA
2000~2002 : GUI Designer, LG Electronics, Korea.
Academic Credential
2007: Ph. D. Arts Administration, Florida State University (FSU)
2004: M. A. Museum Studies, Syracuse University
2000: B. F. A. Visual Communication Design, Hongik University
'2016 National Excellent Book' <Design Museum, here> Ahn Graphics. ISBN: 978-89-70598-45-1
Samsung Design Membership (SDM)
KSDS, Vice President
KSDT, Chief Editor
Reviewer for the International Journal of Art and Design Education
Outside Director, DaeriOutside Director, Daerim Museum