Bokyung Lee
Multi-disciplinary Design Researcher
Culture and Design Management
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Underwood International College Yonsei University
Office : Veritas B 424
Tel: +82-32-749-3032
Curriculum Vitae
2023-present: Assistant Professor, Yonsei University
2022-2023: Senior Designer, Samsung Electronics
2020-2022: Senior Research Scientist, Autodesk, Canada
Academic Credential
2020: Ph.D. Industrial Design, KAIST
2015: Visiting Researcher, TU Delft
2014: B.E Industrial Design, Technology Management, KAIST
ACM DIS 2021 Honorable Mention Award
ACM CSCW 2020 Best Paper Award
ACM CSCW 2019 Honorable Mention Award

Convergence Design Lab
Envisioning our New Reality!
Digital technologies and media have been deeply embedded in our daily lives, and blur the boundary between our physical lives of atoms and digital ones of bits. Consequently, ‘how to converge these two worlds in a more seamless and innovative way’ has become a hot topic in various industries, such as smart environments, robots, education, art, media, or games.
Our lab envisions this new reality through various designary and multi-disciplinary approaches. Through iterative user-centered processes, we design new products, interactions, services, and systems that could bring new experiences to various convergence domains (e.g., embodied art, smart home, immersive environments, metaverse contents, design toolkits, spatial marketing, digital human, augmented experience, digital architecture, etc.).
디자인 씽킹을 기반으로 기술, 사회과학, 심리학, 예술 등의 다학제 학문을 융합하여, Physical-Digital Convergence 경험 혁신을 이끌어내는 연구
Research Keywords:
Digital-Physical Convergence, Media Convergence, VR/AR/XR
Digital Human, UX/lnteraction Design, HCI, User-Centered Design
Research Publications (selected)
Bokyung Lee, Damon Lau, Jeremy Mogk, Michael Lee, Jacobo Bibliowicz, Rhys Goldstein, Alex Tessier (2023), Generative Design for COVID-19 and Future Pathogens Using Stochastic Multi-agent Simulation, Journal of Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 97, 104661, 2210-6707
Bokyung Lee, Michael Lee, Jeremy Mogk, Rhys Goldstein, Jacky Bibliowicz, Frederik Brudy, Alex Tessier (2021), Designing a Multi-Agent Occupant Simulation System to Support Facility Planning and Analysis for COVID-19, ACM Designing Interactive Systems (Honorable Mention Award)
Bokyung Lee, Michael Lee, Pan Zhang, Alexander Tessier, Daniel Saakes, Azam Khan (2020). Socio-Spatial Comfort: Using Vision-based Analysis to Inform User-Centred Human-Building Interactions, ACM Journal of Hum.-Comput. Interact. 4, CSCW3, Article 238 (December 2020), 33 pages. (Best Paper Award)
Bokyung Lee, Michael Lee, Pan Zhang, Alexander Tessier, Azam Khan (2019), An Empirical Study of How Socio-Spatial Formations are influenced by Interior Elements and Displays in an Office Context, ACM Journal of Hum.-Comput. Interact. 3. CSCW, Article 58. (Honorable Mention Award)
Bokyung Lee, Taeil Jin, Sung-Hee Lee, Daniel Saakes (2019), SmartManikin: Virtual Humans with Agency for Design Tools, ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems