Jae-Yun HO
Tech Mgmt Researcher
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Underwood International College
Yonsei University
Office : Veritas Hall B 411
Tel: +82-32-749-3041
Curriculum Vitae
Research Associate, IfM, University of Cambridge
Visiting Researcher, RSM, Erasmus University
Research Assistant, KIET
Academic Credential
PhD in Engineering, University of Cambridge
MPhil in Technology Policy, University of Cambridge
MS & BS in Mechanical Engineering, POSTECH

Technology Management & Policy Research Group
In Technology Management & Policy Research Group, we conduct interdisciplinary research on effective management and policy practices for translating new science and engineering ideas into novel technology innovations that lead to industrial and social development. By combining technical and management knowledge, our research is designed to help entrepreneurs, managers, and policymakers in their decision making, strategy planning, and other management processes supporting technological innovation.
기술경영정책연구실에서는 현대 사회 및 산업의 발전에 필수적인 기술혁신을 이끌기 위한 효과적인 기업경영 및 정부정책에 대해 연구합니다. 본 연구실은 기술창업가와 기술경영자, 정책입안가들의 의사결정, 전략기획 및 혁신경영에 도움을 줄 수 있도록 공학과 경영학, 경제학 등 다양한 학문을 접목한 다학제적 연구를 수행하고 있습니다.
Research Interests/Topics:
Technology Innovation Systems 기술혁신시스템
Strategic Foresight & Roadmapping 미래연구 & 로드매핑
Technology / Social Entrepreneurship 기술 / 사회적 기업가정신